Just the Facts, Ma’am

What do webcams and Oreos have in common?
Well, not much, except that both are a part of a perfectly executed message. How can you tell a perfectly executed message apart from the others? Watch this video and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is this commercial selling?
  • What do I remember?
  • How did it make me feel?

Business travel whisks me away from my family frequently. I am away from home two nights a week. How do I keep in touch with my kids? With a webcam, of course. If you have one, then I am willing to bet that you immediately connected with this advertisement. After seeing it only once, I could recite the dialogue, “Good night, Buddy.”  “Good morning, Dad!” I bet you could, too.

Do you remember details like the Asian music in the background? Do you think you could confuse the Oreo brand with some other brand? No way! Will you forget who brought this message to you? No way! It’s “milk’s favorite cookie.” They were able to convey a lot of emotion and brand-building in only 32 seconds.

So how can you quickly connect your message with your customers? How do you get them emotionally invested in what you’re selling? Do you do it by using “techno jargon” or “industry speak?” Those riveting and compelling words like integrated, flexible, and scalable?

Or, do you connect your message to the problems and challenges your customer is trying to solve – those ‘hot buttons’ that are holding them back from growing their business and accomplishing their business, financial and personal goals?

Create a vision for them. Show them what they’ll be able to do differently, how they’ll be able to solve those pains and problems that are holding them back and slowing them down. You’ll be well on your way to getting them emotionally hooked and connecting with them in a meaningful way.

Back to the Oreo commercial:
If I didn’t have a webcam, I would go out and buy one after seeing that commercial. I would go as far as saying that this commercial will sell far more webcams than Oreos! So why is it a perfectly executed message? Because they connected to me on an emotional level, and that emotion helped me remember their message. The ad connected the Oreo brand to my feelings around my family and that is a strong brand connection.

Use the creative half of your brain to find that connection to your audience, and don’t be afraid to stretch a little.

by Larry Florio,
Director, Partner and Channel Sales
Kronos Talent Management Division

Corporate Visions alumni are always on the hunt for good messaging examples. This video and accompanying article were sent to us by one such long-time alumnus.

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